Winter Decor

Well, winter has finally arrived here in the Country. After weeks of rain and 65° temperatures it is cold. It’s January so we are ready for cozy, comfy winter decor. Ready, it’s time to brighten your decor up with some warm winter whites!

I am still using my spool trees and vintage pillar trees to add color. They will stay out for awhile now, as they look like the real thing right out our window.

Little vintage tables filled with vintage goodies are always perfect for little nooks in your home.

I have been in a chippy, shabby mood lately with my furniture pieces. Lightly distressed is more my style, just enough to let the natural wood shine through.

This vintage server recently received a new coat of paint and clear wax too. Added some crystal knobs for some bling and a touch of light distressing. Your cozy winter decor will take you through the long winter months!

Peace, love & Junk,


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